- The had the most adorable, sweetest little boy on the 19th February, Spencer James Cardell. He is loved by everyone who lays eyes on him and gives back as much as he gets.
- We sold our house and we move in exactly one month.
- We are moving into a rental while we are building. We won't start building until at least March next year, so we still have a while.
- Jonathan is studying to become a qualified arbourist.
- I just have three classes left to take and I have finished my bachelors.
- Julianna and Ashleigh are both going to a family based daycare one day a week and loving it. They don't even turn to say goodbye when they get out of the car.
- Julianna has been attending kindy for one half day a week all year. She is loving every second of it but I'm still trying to come to terms with now becoming "Mum" instead of "Mummy" in front of her school friends (yes, its started already).
- We are still addicted to watching Revenge.
- Jonathan is still in love with his iPhone and anything Mac.
- Spencer is teething, Ashleigh is toilet training and I am packing.
Man of Style
2 years ago