Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Just lately all I feel like I am doing is waiting. I'm waiting for things to happen with our offer on the house, I'm waiting for this baby to be born, I'm waiting for Jonathan to finish his contract away so I can have a husband again (just two weeks left!!!).

Though today some of my waiting paid off. Every now and again Huggies have a promotion where you can redeem the barcodes from Huggies products for toys. Every time Julianna finishes a box of nappies I always cut out the barcodes before I throw the box away. For the last year now there has been no promotion but I have been diligently cutting out my barcodes with Jonathan teasing me ruthlessly everytime I do. But today a promotion was announced!!!! It starts on the 5th of April and I already have enough barcodes to redeem for 5 toys. That means Julianna's birthday present is taken care of (with maybe a couple left over to go on Ebay) just for being patient. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fingers Crossed

Today we put an offer in on a house!! We are very excited, but now we just have to wait and see.

Our favourite part isn't just the house itself, but also the location. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

I Have the Best Husband Ever

I already knew this but today Jonathan re-affirmed it. He has been working away all week and just arrived back last night. We have missed him so much and I know he hates going just as much as we hate having him gone. Even though he just got back last night, this morning he gave me the morning off. But not only did I have the morning off, I had the morning to spend, all by myself, in the city at one of Perth's leading salons to enjoy a $425.00 pamper package!! The package included getting my hair done, having a massage and getting a manicure. Then to top it all off, I got home to find Jonathan had cleaned the house. He has definitely racked up some pretty huge brownie points this weekend.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Picture of the Day

Thanks Grandma for the hat you made me, it comes in very handy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

PJ Day

Just lately Julianna and I have been getting over a bit of a cold. Don't ask we how we got a cold in the middle of summer. Anyway, this morning I made an executive decision that we would lounge around in our pj's on the couch and watch tv......Julianna agreed. 

Baby Update

I had another appointment with the doctor today and the good news is that the baby finally uncrossed its's a GIRL!! The bad news is that she is a BIG girl. So big in fact, that my chances of having a natural birth are not looking good. My doctor has referred me to a specialist to get his opinion, but at this stage, he thinks it will be a caesarean section on the earlier date of the 16th May.  

Monday, March 7, 2011

What's Been Happening

We have had a pretty busy past few weeks. Jonathan has been working away and is home at the moment but it looks like he will be leaving again next week. It's not ideal having him gone, we all hate it, but the money is really good so we figure it's just a short term sacrifice in order to get ahead a bit.

We have also been doing some house hunting over the past few weeks. We found one that we were really excited about. It had all the rooms we were after, 10mins from a major shopping centre and movie complex, 15mins from the beach, on a big block, close to the freeway and train station and, since it was a bank repo it was quite cheap at $215,000. There was a lot of cosmetic work to be done on the inside, which also gave it a lot of potential to increase the value. When we researched it we found that, with all the cosmetic work done, we could resell it for at least $300,000. We were just on our way to the real estate agent office to put in an offer when she called us and told us that someone had already beat us to it. So now we are back to the drawing board. We have found another potential house we are looking at, which isn't in such a great location and also needs a lot of work doing on it cosmetically. It is on a big block and has a swimming pool in the back yard. They are asking $249,000 but, with all the cosmetic work that needs doing, we don't really think it is worth that. We have decided to go ahead and put in an offer (a pretty low offer) but we are not really expecting to get it accepted. We won't be too disappointed if it doesn't.

So with all the house hunting, Jonathan coming and going and everything else going on we haven't really had much time to think about this baby that will very soon be here. I'm afraid it has completely snuck up on me and I am completely unprepared. We still have no idea what the sex is but we have another appointment on Thursday, so we will hopefully find out then.