Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nine Months Old

A lot can happen in nine months.

In nine months I went from this

to this.

And Julianna went from this
to this.

Growing Up

Julianna's new trick is walking around the house hanging onto anything she can get hold of (including the dog). Usually though she only does it when I stand her up and prop her against something. The other day she was playing quite happily on her blanket, when I just went into the other room for a second.

When I come back, I saw this

now she has discovered she can do this there is no stopping her.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Apparently today is the 30th birthday of the gym that I go to. After doing 30mins on the cross trainer, they gave me cake.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Something to Smile About

Yesterday was not a fantastic day in our house. It wasn't absolutely terrible but it wasn't great either.

Since we have returned from our trip Julianna hasn't been in the greatest sleeping pattern. I think she is still trying to adjust. Yesterday she also had her Swine Flu immunistation, so she was a bit out of sorts yesterday.

Also, a couple of days ago I found that we have had a mouse in our food storage. I found mouse poo and saw that it had eaten through a bag of rice. I put some poison down and it has all been eaten and since I have not found any more poo I think I have gotten rid of them.

So yesterday I spent the day washing every single dish, plate, bowl, glass.....anything that belongs in the kitchen that we own, just in case a mouse had ran over it, and cleaned out every cupboard. When Jonathan got home from work I had not yet finished, but I wanted to spend some time with him so I left the kitchen. By the time we finished dinner, got Julianna in bed and watched a movie together it was about 10.00pm. Jonathan when to bed but I have this Thing (aka OCD) where I can not go to bed with a dirty kitchen. If I do it just plays on my mind all night and I don't get any sleep so its just easier if I stay up and clean it. By the time I got it all done it was past midnight. I had a shower and got into bed and it took me a while to fall asleep. By the time I finally did it was about 1.00am.

At 3.00am Julianna woke up and was crying unconsolably. She didn't want her dummy, she didn't want her bottle, she didn't want her blankie, she just wanted to be cuddled. For some reason last night this just really annoyed me, usually I don't care, I'll just lay on the couch and cuddle her while we both fall asleep, but last night I was not in the mood. I reluctantly took her to the couch and laid with her...... and I was glad I did. She soon fell asleep and after sleeping for a few minutes a huge smile crept across her face. She was obviously dreaming about something. It struck me that although I hadn't had a great day, the day wasn't too great for her either. But even after having her routine disrupted, having her injection and having a grumpy Mum for the day she still found something to smile about. She taught me a pretty good lesson at 3.00 this morning.

Holiday Highlights

The big trip

Bear World


The wedding

The reception