For a couple of weeks before she was born I would start getting contractions, they would get quite strong and then suddenly stop. The only thing that worried me about this was the fact that Jonathan was away. I knew that he was only a couple of hours away, but I was really conflicted about calling him prematurely and having him come home or leaving it too late and having him miss the whole thing. This went on for a couple of weeks. I was due on the 23rd May (Monday) and had my doctor's appointment on the Thursday before (the 19th). I talked to my doctor about my concerns and he said he would examine me to get a better idea of what was going on. When he examined me he said that I was in the early stages of labour, and had been for a while. Jonathan was coming home the next day anyway, so he offered to break my water to hurry things along a bit. He tried to but unfortunately he couldn't. He did a scan, which showed that the baby had her head back and was stuck, so she had not dropped into position. He said that it didn't matter how many contractions I had, and how long I was in labour for I would not be able to have the baby naturally. It was history repeating itself, as I had had the same problem with Julianna. He scheduled me in for a c section on Monday morning.
Monday morning came and we had to be at the hospital for 6.00am. When we got there they gave me a quick pre-op and then I was the first one scheduled in for the morning. Although I had a c section with Julianna I was a lot more nervous this time around. When I had Julianna my c section was an emergency c section at the end of a very long labour and I was more than ready for it. After pushing for three hours with Julianna, I was too tired to even remember anything that went on. This time around was completely different and I was fully aware of everything that was happening to me. My biggest fear was that I would feel the epidural going in. Fortunately I had a fantastic anesthetist, who talked me through the whole procedure and gave me a local before he did the epidural, so I didn't feel a thing. They started the operation and Ashleigh was born just a couple of minutes later. I got a look at her before they took her and Jonathan to the other side of the room so she could be examined and Jonathan could cut the cord. Everything ran smoothly up until that point and I though we were on the home stretch. As they started to clean me up though I started to feel a little off and Jonathan was back at my side with an extremely worried look on his face. I turned to the anesthetist and told him that I didn't feel well. I didn't think anything of it until he replied with, "I know". I suddenly felt the urge to pass out so I closed my eyes and hoped the feeling would pass. A few moments later the anesthetist asked me to open my eyes. When I did I felt fine again. It turned out that my blood pressure had suddenly crashed and they had to give me some more blood, luckily I was completely unaware of what was going on. Other than that the whole thing went off without any problems.
I had to spend 24 hours still hooked up to the epidural and morphine, but the next morning they got me up out of bed and moving around. My that afternoon I was feeling 100% better and bored out of my mind. The next morning (the Wednesday) I couldn't bear the thought of spending another night in hospital so I begged the midwife to discharge me. The doctor came and examined me, and with his blessing and the promise that I would take it easy at home, I was out by 10.00 that morning.
I so totally get the crazy life after baby comes we seemed to have experienced that last summer. :) thanks for the story we miss you guys