Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our sweet little puppy. When we got him the breeder forgot to mention how incredibly territorial Dingoes are. Dingoes only ever have one mate for life (or in the case of a domestic Dingo - one master for life) and they only ever have one territory for life ie only one backyard. Which means, with a Dingo you can never move house, go on holiday and leave them with someone else or put them in a boarding kennel. Apparently the experience of a new master or new backyard changes a Dingo so much that they often end up getting put down. When I enrolled him in puppy class the trainer said that she had worked with a lot of Dingoes who had moved house and it isn't always successful. So, after a lot of heartache we took our little Indy back. We just can't make the commitment to him that he needs and would hate for the worst to happen further down the track. It's been a pretty sad last couple of days in our house, so the hunt is on for another puppy.
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